Citizenship for Children helps organizations and individuals accept responsibility for how their strategies, policies, products and programs influence the developmental experience of children across society.
Citizenship For Children seeks to facilitate interactions that positively contribute to a child’s growth, knowledge, attitudes and behavior and, whenever possible, prevent or avoid even inadvertent exposure to developmentally inappropriate experiences, by:
Developmental Responsibility™ is a model for sustainable child development in which the developmental sensitivities of children are a reference point in day-to-day decision-making, not just by those who interact directly with children but by society-at-large, including individuals, corporations, non-government organizations, elected officials and public institutions.
Developmental Responsibility is a social standard of behavior, language, strategy and policy, under which individuals, organizations, businesses and institutions are measured against standards of developmental appropriateness, with sensitivity to the dynamic nature of human development.
"Business decisions, activities and relationships ... affect the lives of children in many ways, including some that you may not recognize ...
Business has enormous power protect children from harm and improve their lives through the way they operate;
policies and practices may unintentionally inflict lifelong damage to children ... When businesses respect and value all stages of childhood, they foster the strength of future generations"
"Children are Everyone's Business"
UNICEF Workbook on Corporate Social Responsibility